
Should I Apply Ice To A Burn Blister

How To Treat A Burn Blister? Try These Effective Remedies

There are different types of blisters depending upon the causes. Burn blisters erupt when the skin gets burnt due to any reason be it an accidental hot water pour or heat burn. If you immediately dip the affected area in cold water or pour some icy cold water to it or place ice cubes on it, the blisters may not form. In severe cases of burns, getting burn blisters is common but you still need to aid them. If ignored and left to heal on their own, burn blisters may cause lifelong scarring. Having said that, you are not supposed to pop or damage a blister as this can trigger infection. Thus, home remedies for blisters is the only way out. Scroll down if you are interested to know how to heal a burn blister.

What is a burn blister?

When you suffer any burn, the skin takes immediate action to protect the inner layers from damage by forming fluid-filled blisters. Not just that, blistering also reduces the risk of complications that damaged skin is prone to getting. In addition to this, blisters actually allow faster healing by protecting the skin. Until the burn underneath the blister is completely healed, you should leave it. Only if the burns are very severe you may need to get bandages, depending upon what doctor suggests.

You cannot do much after the blisters are formed and so, preventing them from forming is the best solution. For that, you must provide immediate first aid to burns. Another benefit of first aid is to prevent larger blisters that are more painful and unsightly than small blisters. Here are some tips to do first aid for burn blister:

  • Place the burn under cold water stream for a couple of minutes
  • Pat dry the area with a clean towel or tissue
  • Use a sterile nonstick dressing to cover the blister

What is a burn blister

Do not try to follow these steps(as done by most people):

  • Placing ice on the burn(it slows down blood circulation that can hamper healing process)
  • Place cotton on the blister as it is fresh and can get stick to the skin causing extreme trouble
  • Applying food products to calm the skin

NOTE: If you are unable to bear the pain and discomfort caused by burn and blister, take a painkiller medicine. But keep this for emergency use only as taking painkillers cause side effects. In addition to this, if you have got severe burns like third degree burns, do not do anything but immediately rush to a doctor for aid. Anything can prove to be detrimental for your skin and so, deal with care. Put the affected area to rest to minimize the damage.

Home remedies for burn blisters

There are various ways to manage blisters and we have listed down some to help you out in case you burn your skin accidentally.

Disinfect the area

Do not rub or pop the blister as this can cause acute pain. If the blister bursts, simply clean the area with an antiseptic or disinfectant formula to reduce the risk of infection. Alternatively, you can also use a mild soap and lukewarm water to clean the area.

Home remedies for burn blisters

Also Read: 5 Things That You Didn't Know Could Heal Sunburnt Skin

Protect from sun

Many people do not know that burns and blisters get triggered in sunlight. So, it is very important to protect them from sun and heat. Thus, cover the skin with a cotton cloth when going out in the sun. Also, in cases of minor burns, you can even apply sunscreen to prevent scarring.

Medicate if necessary

Home remedies for burn blisters

Do not apply anything on the blistered skin. Consult a doctor to suggest medication according to the type of burn you have got. Severe blistering need proper medical aid whereas, mild burn can be easily treated at home.

These are some suggestions on how to manage burn blisters at home. You must try to keep them safe and exercise all possible ways to not aggravate them.

Image credits- freepik

Should I Apply Ice To A Burn Blister


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