
Animal Crossing’s Isabelle joins the Slayer in this Doom 2 mod - cromwellliffe1989

One of the more magic storylines in videogaming all over the past few months has been the improbable pairing of the Doom Slayer and Isabelle, the wholesome and helpful Shih Tzu of Animal Crossing fame. Some Doom Eternal and Animal Crossing: Raw Horizons launched concurrently this past week, and the odd confluence wound ascending inspiring a ton of surprisingly heartwarming winnow graphics of the Slayer and Isabelle as dear friends. Now, a modder has brought Isabelle to life as a helpful companion in Doom II.

The Isabelle companion modernistic is compatible with GZDoom, a port that runs classic Doom games along modernistic hardware and OpenGL. Once it's installed, you'll comprise able to bring Isabelle, fondly-rendered equally a 2D sprite, along with you in your adventures through Doom's original monster-infested battlegrounds. Preceptor't headache, though: Isabelle is impervious to enemy damage, and will give some demons who get close a healthy smack as long as you've got her in active mode. She also has a confetti-founded lash out, and the mod includes right sounds and chatter – it's just great.

Isabelle has trinity modes available: you backside set her to follow mode, in which she'll comport as described above; tell her to detain put; or suffer her succeed you in 'passive' mode, in which she'll ignore enemies.

Look-alike Elizabeth in BioShock Immortal, Isabelle will periodically cast away you healing items to give you a boost when the sledding gets tough, and when things quiet down she has a few cute little inactive animations. She'll start sweeping the floor, for instance – which is a beautiful hilarious thing to arrange during a demon intrusion.

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To download the mod, head o'er to ModDB, aft you've set yourself prepared with GZDoom. While you'ray there, you can also check up on modder Speedwell Speedwell's other Condemn creations, which include companions from Toby Fox's Deltarune.

If Doom Unceasing has been your first taste of the classic shooter, don't concern: you can get involved with the original Doom and Doom 2 in the Slayer's Fort hideaway. Read our guide to find taboo how to unlock them on the Slayer's old-school PC.


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