
How To Set Word Default Font

You know the default body font which comes with your MS Word Software Installation?

The respond is:

Calibri, 11pt.

Your font will always exist the aforementioned every time you open a new Discussion certificate unless you lot change it before y'all kickoff typing.

Have you ever wondered how you could change that?

Having a personalized font set up equally the default torso theme in MS Word is a clever way to save time. It besides allows y'all to create a new document without having to change the font repeatedly. This is peculiarly truthful for those of us that have our own personal fonts that we like using. The same set of fonts we use in our articles get in a distinctive piece of piece of work. However, we do non want to go through the hassle of e'er irresolute the font every fourth dimension we open MS Word. Fortunately, we tin change the default font hands.

At present, there are most three means to change the default font in MS Word.

3 Ways To Change Default Font In MS Give-and-take

  • Using the Ribbon
  • Using the Context Menu
  • Using a Shortcut Key

All 3 methods will be laid out step-by-step for you down below. At the same time, we likewise made sure to give you some extra tips on how y'all can configure other options in the font formatting tool.

Do not experience intimidated going through this article. Nosotros have written this tutorial with beginners in listen. The three methods described in this guide are relatively easy to follow, and in addition, we'll expound on each of the methods chip by bit.

Without further ado, let's go on with information technology.

Why Should Y'all Change the Default Font in MS Word?

We would surmise that we all take seen hundreds of documents in the aforementioned font. This is usually the case because most users, if not all, use a handful of fonts for readability.

Now, what if you are following a certain company protocol that requires you lot to write in the same font every time? Like this ane (Open Sans)! While other companies use fonts that suit the manner of their document, this isn't the standard exercise. About companies stick to the aforementioned font for consistency and formality, besides as to build familiarity with their clients.

MS Word allows you to hands modify the default font to arrange your needs. Here's a couple of situations where changing the default font in MS Word is a helpful configuration. You'll want to change the default font in MS Word when:

  • You desire to create a new certificate without having to change the font every time.
  • You want to create visitor documents co-ordinate to a set of font formatting rules.
  • You want to create personalized documents using your own set up of font formatting rules.

These are only a few general guidelines we have come up with. You lot may find other reasons to change the default font of your MS Word application.

Here's how you can alter the default font in MS Word.

Method ane: Using the Ribbon

The MS Word Ribbon has got it all for you. The Ribbon is the basic toolbar of MS Discussion plant at the top role of your window. You'll find all, if not well-nigh, of the functions in MS Word located at the Ribbon. You can access the right tools here, including the Font Dialogue box.

Here's how y'all tin can do that.

Footstep i: Open up your MS Word document.

First off,  we need to open up a Give-and-take document. Now, since we are simply irresolute the default setting, we can use a blank document for this one. If you have a document already opened, that volition practice simply fine. Feel free to use that, equally this method will not change anything on your document except for when you blazon something afterward.

Also, there'southward no need to save this document if yous opted to use a bare one.

Stride 2: Become to the Font group in the Ribbon.

By default, the Dwelling house tab in the Ribbon is already selected when you lot launch an MS Word document. Move your cursor to the upper-left part of the MS Word window, then click the pocket-sized arrow icon constitute at the lower-correct corner of the Font grouping. You'll notice this sitting right side by side to the border of the Clipboard group.

The Font Dialogue box volition be displayed in the heart of your screen.

Step 3: Alter the default font.

Under the Font: pick box, type the font you lot want to use as default or simply choose ane from the list below it.

  1. Type in this field the font name you lot want to use.
  2. Choose 1 from the list. Scroll downwardly to evidence more choices.

You volition notice that you take the option to set the default font properties for both the trunk and headings of your document. On the font listing, select +Body to edit the default font for the document torso. And, select +Headings to edit the default font for the document headings.

Nevertheless, it is best to get out these two options untouched considering these hold the default font that came with your MS Word installation. This means you tin simply select the +Body choice if yous want to revert your font to its default format.

Click the Set up As Default push constitute at the lesser-left corner of the dialogue box when y'all're done.

Now, a small dialogue box volition popular-up asking you whether you want to apply the changes to the current document merely or to all future documents. Select This document only? if you desire to utilise the changes on the current document y'all are working on. Otherwise, select All documents based on the Normal template? If you want the settings applied to all future documents.

  1. Select this if you lot want to apply the changes to your current document just.
  2. Select this if you want to apply the changes to all time to come documents.

If you're unsure, you lot can always cull the first to limit the changes to your current certificate only. Again, you can easily revert the changes by pressing CTRL+Z.

Click Abolish if you want to revert whatever changes fabricated.

Voila! You've just changed the default font of your MS Word awarding.

Method 2: Using the Context Menu

This method is as piece of cake as the previous ane. The Context Menu comes in very handy, peculiarly when you need to access a number of formatting tools right where your mouse cursor is at.

Here's how to practice that.

Step 1: Open up up your MS Word document.

The first thing nosotros need to do is to open a Word certificate. For this method, it is not necessary to have any content in your document. Feel free to use your own personal document if yous already accept one open up. Don't worry about messing up your file, every bit this will not change anything in it. However, do notation that MS Give-and-take volition use the new default font one time nosotros change it.

Stride 2: Right-click on any office of the certificate.

One time you have a file opened, right-click on any part of the document to display the Context Menu. Then, select Font… institute in the eye office of the carte.

Congratulations! You've just opened the Font Dialogue box past using the Context Menu. Anything from here on out is the same every bit the previous method.

If y'all want to acquire more nigh how to customize the default settings of your font, then bank check out the "Customizing the Default Font in MS Word" section.

Method 3: Using a Shortcut Key

This method is, by far, the fastest way to change the default font in MS Discussion. It's so fast you can do it by pressing ii keys on your keyboard.

Let'due south try it out!

Footstep one: Open upwards your MS Word document.

Before annihilation else, nosotros need an MS Word file opened. You can go ahead and use your ain personal certificate if you take one already opened. Otherwise, you can simply open up a new Word file.

Now, as we go on with the steps, none of the contents of your document should change except for when you lot type something afterward.

Step ii: Launch the Font Dialogue box.

On your keyboard, press CTRL+D. This will launch the Font Dialogue box correct in the middle of your screen.

Hurray! Yous've only launched the Font Dialogue box by using a shortcut key. The steps are the same as the previous method from this point forwards.

Customizing The Default Font In MS Word

This section will guide you through the steps to customize your default font in MS Word. As you may have noticed, at that place are a bunch of other options on the Font Dialogue box. Nosotros volition go through each of them here.

Font Tab

You lot can specify hither the unlike font backdrop like weight, size, colour, etc.

Font fashion

Use this when you desire to ready the default text to be in boldface, italicized or both.


Apply this when you want to specify the size of the default text.

Font color

Utilise this when you desire to specify the color of the default text.

Underline fashion

Use this when you want to specify the underline type of the default text.

Underline colour

Use this when you want to specify the underline color of the default text. This is enabled only when you choose a specific underline style.


Tick one or more if you want to specify any of the furnishings listed


You lot've finally reached the finish of this article. Hopefully, we've helped you figure out how to modify the default font in MS Word. Here's a quick recap of the things nosotros covered today.

Changing the default font of your MS Word application tin can save you a lot of time. The Font Dialogue box provides more enough formatting options to reconfigure the default font to your desired manner. With a default font ready, you will never have to worry nearly forgetting to change the font when publishing your piece of work.

In this tutorial, we discussed three ways to change the default font of your MS Word application. You tin easily change the default font by: (1) using the Ribbon, (2) using the context carte du jour, or (3) using the shortcut key CTRL+D.

Nosotros promise you found this article helpful!

Using google docs? Check out this guide to modify default font in Google Docs.

How To Set Word Default Font,


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